Rule the Streets
So about 6 years ago I got the bright idea to do a comic. The elevator pitch for this story is “The Warriors” meets “Game of Thrones.” Ultimately I would up doing 3 comics. I only posted them on my website and I didn’t know a thing about social media so no one really ever saw them. This was really my first foray into comic making. I didn’t really know what I was doing I was busting with so many ideas that I wound up stuffing waaaaaay too much plot into each issue and didn’t leave any space for the rich character drama I was going for. I have since learned all about about pacing ans storytelling, and I’ve become a better penciler and inker in the ensuing years. I am seriously considering going back into this idea now that I kind-of know what I’m doing. Presented here, warts and all, are Rule the Streets, Volume 1, issues 1-3.
An uneasy truce exists between the gangs of the city. NPA (the biggest gang in the city’s northern borough) has invited members of other gangs to their strong-hold to celebrate the anniversary of the truce. But old grudges threaten to destroy the peace.
After the events of the truce anniversary party, Dynasty-2000 is ready for all out war. Cap’s desire to preserve the peace creates a rift between him and Gunnny, and a last ditch effort to preserve the truce may prove to be disastrous for the NPA.
The war in Norborough draws the attention of powerful forces in the city. With the fate of the NPA hanging in the balance, Trey is presented with a difficult choice.